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Having trouble accessing or navigating your Patient Portal? Use this page to find guides on almost every aspect of this unique software

How do I access the Portal?

In order to log into the Portal, you must be a patient of Livingston Community Health. Not a patient? Click below to find a clinic near you!

If you are already a patient of Livingston Community Health and don't already have a Portal account, you can sign up for one by clicking the link below. 

Web Browser

Which Web Browser should I use?

The recommended web browsers for using the Patient Portal are shown below. You can use the standard Internet Explorer browser but there are some known page issues.

Click on an icon to download the browser


Logging into the Patient Portal

patient portal.png

After a successful log-in attempt, you will be brought to the Home Page, which looks like this:

home page.png

We will go into detail about the different areas of the Home Page later in the guide. 

Logging Off

Logging Off

When you are finished accessing the Patient Portal, use the button in the upper-right hand corner of the screen to log out of your session.


Make sure to always log-out when you're done and don't save your password to the web-browser for maximum security.


Can I Change the Language?

Yes! The Patient Portal currently supports a number of different languages. 


Look in the bottom right hand corner of the page and click on an option to change the Portal to your preferred language.

language choices.png

Using the Home Page

home page.png


  1. Navigation Bar

  2. Practice Dashboard

  3. Inbox Quick View

  4. Appointment Quick View

  5. Reminders

  6. Lab Results

  7. Medications

Navigation Bar

navigation bar.png

The bar at the top right of the page is the go-to area for figuring out where you are at on the Portal, as well as navigating through the site.

The current page you are on will be highlighted in a light-blue color, as you can see above on the Home tab. 


You can use the 6 other buttons to switch between different pages on the Portal. Click a link below to jump to that section of the guide.

1. Home

2. Mail

3. Schedule

4. My Chart

5. Renew Medications

6. Patient Education

7. Settings

Patient Dashboard

Practice Dashboard - Zoomed&Highlighted.

The Practice Dashboard at the very top of the page shows you a list of all the different practices you are enrolled in. Unless you are a patient of multiple NextGen-based health clinics, you will only see Livingston Community Health on this page.

You are greeted with a "welcome" message along with a link to the Profile Page that shows the different clinic  locations and hours of operations 


Click on a location to see their hours!

Profile Page - Zoomed.png
mail icon.png




  1. Inbox Quick-View

2. Inbox

3. Sent Messages

4. Compose Message

Inbox Quick-View

Email - Zoom - Copy.png

The Inbox Quick-View section of the Home Page will show you your most recent messages, along with some more information, including the practice they were sent from, the date, and the subject of the message.


You can also click the Compose an Email link to quickly open the menu for sending a message to your care team.



The Inbox section of the navigation bar allows you to view all the details of every message contained in your portal message center.

For each message, you can quickly see a plethora of information, including:


  1. Type - Message, Document, Appointment, Health Record, etc.

  2. To - Who the message was sent to. This will always be you!

  3. From - Who the message was sent from (your practice, a care team member, or provider)

  4. Subject - A short description of the content of the message

  5. Practice - This will always be Livingston Community Health

  6. Received - The date on which the message was originally uploaded to the Portal inbox


Click on a message to view it in detail!



Compose a Message

Clicking on Compose Message will take you to a page that contains the following entry form. Depending on how your care team is set-up, you may or may not be able to send a message to them. 

compose message.png

Scheduling Appointments

Livingston Community Health's Patient Portal supports the Real-Time Appointment feature, where you may search for an appointment with your provider and schedule it online. By using this feature, you agree to the disclaimer at the bottom of the page.



  1. Request Appointment

  2. My Appointments


Use this form to find times that your provider is available. Note the disclaimer: your appointment will still have to be confirmed by LCH staff, and same day appointments or appointments scheduled with the wrong provider will not be accepted through the Portal.

Select Provider and Location.png

Select your provider and location, the appointment type will always be labeled as "Portal". If you do not select the provider you are already associated with, your appointment will not be confirmed. 

appointment typ.png

Fill in your reason for the appointment, the priority, and when you would like to be seen. Remember same day appointments will not be confirmed through the Portal. 


When you find an appointment that fits your schedule, click Book Appointment. You will be contacted by LCH Staff to confirm your appointment or be offered alternate dates and times.

© 2019 Livingston Community Health

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